Incubator for Game Design II

Saturday, August 26, 2006


My computer died and I now have to make-do with an older (and much slower one)... and somehow he/she/it(??) hates me so much that my original post got eaten up.. sheesh.

Here I go again, but less longwinded, lest history repeats itself...

How did that guy do it (see picture above)? Are we thinking along the same wavelength?

Following up on what we had discussed during class earlier, I suppose we can create a game whose core mechanics surrounds this idea of "balancing".

- Take a car, filled it up with as much passengers as possible, earn points to advance to the next stage.
- Choose your vocation... continue to be a "taxi driver" or go on to deliver goods... the more goods the better, blah blah.
- Upgrade your car if your points earned for better features.. more comfy seats perhaps or a better stabiliser...

Let's pause for a moment... be right back... (C'ya guys later!)


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