Incubator for Game Design II

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Things to prepare

Hi guyz... sorry for the delay... this is the list of things we have to prepare (finalised from the meeting on monday) for meeting on thurs.

1. Map layout -- me
2. Fishing Rod -- Wei Ying
3. Straws -- Audrey + me
4. Cardboard -- as many as possible as backing for our prototype so everyone help to collect

(5-7) -- Audrey
5. Strips of paper
6. Power ups -- a. reverse turning direction b. stop the world from turning c. stop water level from decreasing (20 each)
7. Energy -- 20 each

8. Blu-tac -- me
9. Thumb tack -- Wei Ying

I'll get the maps uploaded tmr... for now it's finalised that we're doing 1 circular and 1 odd shaped map.


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