Incubator for Game Design II

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ding! Ding! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

"A Nokia survey found that 85% of the millions of people with a game called Space Impact on their phones had tried it, and 45% played it everyday."

"According to a current estimation, the revenues from mobile phone games and Java games for mobile phones would be around 11 billion dollars, by end of 2010."

We are lifting our age limit!
In view of the various research/articles that point towards the diverse age of mobile phone game players, fOURth hOUR Studio hereby announces that upcoming S.O.S game will be targeted at anyone and everyone.

"from small kids who are fascinated by animated characters to young people who want to enjoy the thrill of motor racing or jet-skiing, there is something to satisfy everybody... Mobile phone games are also popular among older people; people who are over 50 years old.." ~ Mark Bishop

Demo Versions
According to Obscure (Game Design & Development consultancy), we should consider the following:
  • limited features (less units/levels, powers etc.) compared to the full version
  • time limitations (30 day trial? 60minutes of gameplay?)
  • Guide the player to make the purchase (give clear instructions/directions where they should go to buy the full version)


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