Incubator for Game Design II

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Suggestions/Opinions from last playtesting session...

  1. Don't fix power ups... let it appear in random
  2. Stop map turn option appear outside map (+ give player warning in advance)
  3. Sea urchins to disppear once squid bangedinto them
  4. Players likely to follow path of power ups to keep energy level from depleting
  5. Is game too challenging given the positiion of some of the obstacles
  6. Does squid energy level maintain or drop if stay at a particular position for too long?

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

hi guys, just to let u know i won't be bringing the cake turner... it doesnt turn as well as expected cos' paper is too light (unlike cakes)...


map 1 -- start at the green triangle, end at the yellow star
map 2 -- start at the green triangle, end at the yellow star

Map 1 was derived from this shape "<". As our conclusion on monday, we'll try to come up with map layouts from simple shapes because we forsee 3 problems:

1. complicated maps may be too difficult to navigate leading to frustration.

2. when we tried a too angular map it branched out into many paths which players most prob will not venture into due to lack of rewards (as this is not a collect the highest score game, players are not motivated enough to explore the entire map. They'll be more interested in finding the way out of that level asap instead.)

3. if the map doesnt branch out it'll be a fixed path players travel along... possibility of losing the feeling of roaming around an underwater world.

-- we also have to make sure that the shape of the map is "playable" no matter which way the world is turned. Might cause too much frustration if the map causes the water level to be too low when it rotates to a certain point (eg. elongated shapes have very high water level when vertical but very low when horizontal. when water level decreases to quite a low level players might find it impossible to win the game. needs very well balance between the time given before water level gets too low and the players' skills.)

Map 2 was derived from a basic donut shape. However, we've changed 1 part of it to be filled with sharp edges. This is to offer 2 types of play within the same level -- take the longer but safer ('cos wider) path or try the dangerous but shortest path to the end point. Enemies will be planted along this narrow shortcut too. --> Enemies and power-ups will be placed at random on both maps... but we'll try to balance the number of power-ups in relation to the dist to travel and the no. of dangers in the game.

Things to prepare

Hi guyz... sorry for the delay... this is the list of things we have to prepare (finalised from the meeting on monday) for meeting on thurs.

1. Map layout -- me
2. Fishing Rod -- Wei Ying
3. Straws -- Audrey + me
4. Cardboard -- as many as possible as backing for our prototype so everyone help to collect

(5-7) -- Audrey
5. Strips of paper
6. Power ups -- a. reverse turning direction b. stop the world from turning c. stop water level from decreasing (20 each)
7. Energy -- 20 each

8. Blu-tac -- me
9. Thumb tack -- Wei Ying

I'll get the maps uploaded tmr... for now it's finalised that we're doing 1 circular and 1 odd shaped map.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

things to bring 2

haha.. ok i ll be bringing the following:

1. magnets (too.. see which size fits n etc yea?)
2. straws (rem u were all talking abt it? not sure if needed but bring jus in case yar?)
3. thread
4. myself (hahah... add humour to the blog yar)

see u all tmr! =)

Things to bring

I'll be bringing the following:

  • Side Panel
  • 2 plastic cups (for the water line)
  • Some plasticine (to prop up that stupid panel...)
  • Some colour paper (blue and green)
  • Clipart of underwater creatures
  • Magnets (50+ pcs but its not really a lot...)

ps: i dont have blue string/thread

pps: Remember the coke/pepsi ad we talked about? We got it mixed up... :p

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hi guys, do you think this might work?

Sotong Sotong...

Guyz... click on it for the full size image =) Managed to outsource the drawing n got these cute sotongs... comments?


Here r a few squid videos on youtube

Lelong Lelong...

First... the sequence of screens that'll appear after player clicks on our game in their hp:

1. Loading screen (showing the word loading...) which also shows our co. name -- fourth hour studio

2. Reach cover screen for our game... probably featuring our lead sotong =) + game name

3. Enter menu page

Menu page will consist:

1. New game
2. Saved game
3. Options (choice to on/off sounds & vibration)
4. Help (go to a sub menu showing a choice of: Instructions + story + objective of this game)
5. High Score
6. Exit

Key Controls:
Left softkey -- return to main menu
Right softkey -- pause the game
4 -- rotate sotong
6 -- propel sotong

This is the amt of things we have to do... take your pick!

- Design
1. Map layout

2. Objects
a. Sotong
b. Power up (Stop world turning for x sec)
c. Power up (Reverse world turning)
d. Power up (Stop water level from lowering for x sec)
e. Enemy/Danger -- Sea Urchin

3. Interface of the game

4. Game icon to appear on hp

5. Cover screen (after the loading + co. name screen)

--End of what we discussed today--

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Meeting on 6-9-06

Minutes taken for our meeting on 6-9-06. Ok figured out that you can click on the image to open a full size one in a new window...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

a more concrete idea...

Our latest game idea! "Save the Jellyfish" Campaign is now on! =)